Railroad-station 沿線・駅 | | Subway Tsurumai / Shiogamaguchi 地下鉄鶴舞線/塩釜口 |
Address 住所 | | Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Tempaku-ku solitary pine tree 1 愛知県名古屋市天白区一本松1 |
Walk 徒歩 | | 17 minutes 17分 |
Rent 賃料 | | 73,000 yen 7.3万円 |
Management expenses 管理費・共益費 | | 3000 yen 3000円 |
Floor plan 間取り | | 1LDK 1LDK |
Occupied area 専有面積 | | 48.37 sq m 48.37m2 |
Direction 向き | | South 南 |
Type 種別 | | Mansion マンション |
Year Built 築年 | | Built 15 years 築15年 |
Harmony Ichibankan
Best conditions we have gathered because south-facing top floor angle room.
Best conditions we have gathered because south-facing top floor angle room. Best conditions we have gathered since the sound of the problem is also unnecessary because RC Mansion.
Bus toilet by, balcony, closet, Yang per good, Facing south, Dressing room, Seperate, Bicycle-parking space, top floor, Face-to-face kitchen, All room Western-style, Guarantor unnecessary, All living room flooring, LDK15 tatami mats or more, Storeroom, 1 floor 2 dwelling unit, South living, City gas
Property name 物件名 | | Rental housing of Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Tempaku-ku solitary pine tree 1 Shiogama-guchi Station [Rental apartment ・ Apartment] information Property Details 愛知県名古屋市天白区一本松1 塩釜口駅の賃貸住宅[賃貸マンション・アパート]情報 物件詳細 |
Transportation facilities 交通機関 | | Subway Tsurumai / Shiogamaguchi walk 17 minutes Subway Tsurumai / Ayumi Ueda 22 minutes Subway Tsurumai / Ayumi Hara 31 minutes 地下鉄鶴舞線/塩釜口 歩17分 地下鉄鶴舞線/植田 歩22分 地下鉄鶴舞線/原 歩31分
Floor plan details 間取り詳細 | | Hiroshi 6 LDK15 洋6 LDK15 |
Construction 構造 | | Rebar Con 鉄筋コン |
Story 階建 | | 3rd floor / Three-story 3階/3階建 |
Built years 築年月 | | March 2000 2000年3月 |
Nonlife insurance 損保 | | 22,000 yen two years 2.2万円2年 |
Parking lot 駐車場 | | On-site 7000 yen 敷地内7000円 |
Move-in 入居 | | Consultation 相談 |
Trade aspect 取引態様 | | Mediation 仲介 |
Total units 総戸数 | | 7 units 7戸 |
Guarantor agency 保証人代行 | | Guarantee company use 必 Co., Casa First guarantee commission of 50% of the rent grand total + 1,000 yen per year renewal fee: 10,000 yen 保証会社利用必 (株)カーサ 初回保証委託料 賃料総合計の50%+1,000円 年間更新料:10,000円 |
In addition ほか初期費用 | | A total of 150,000 yen (Breakdown: interior construction contribution) 合計15万円(内訳:内装工事分担金) |
Remarks 備考 | | Patrol management 巡回管理 |
Area information 周辺情報 | | Cope Aichi Uedayama to (super) 168m MINISTOP Tempaku alder shop 760m up (convenience store) up to 618m GEO yakeyama store (video rental) to 896m gust Tempaku Ueda shop (restaurant) to 516m Nagoya Uedanishi post office (post office) Chukyo コープあいち植田山(スーパー)まで168mミニストップ天白半ノ木店(コンビニ)まで618mゲオ焼山店(レンタルビデオ)まで896mガスト天白植田店(飲食店)まで516m名古屋植田西郵便局(郵便局)まで760m中京銀行植田支店(銀行)まで457m |