Rentals » Tokai » Shizuoka Prefecture » Suruga-ku
| Railroad-station 沿線・駅 | | JR Tokaido Line / Mochimune JR東海道本線/用宗 | Address 住所 | | Shizuoka Prefecture Shizuoka Suruga-ku Mochimune 5 静岡県静岡市駿河区用宗5 | Walk 徒歩 | | 6 minutes 6分 | Rent 賃料 | | 42,000 yen 4.2万円 | Management expenses 管理費・共益費 | | 3500 yen 3500円 | Key money 礼金 | | 42,000 yen 4.2万円 | Floor plan 間取り | | 1K 1K | Occupied area 専有面積 | | 22.35 sq m 22.35m2 | Type 種別 | | Apartment アパート | Year Built 築年 | | Built 10 years 築10年 | | Leo Palace Soleil レオパレスソレイユ |
| Unnecessary brokerage fees 仲介手数料不要 |
| Basic cleaning fee (at the time of leaving) 1K27540 yen (furniture ・ Consumer electronics with room 3240 yen added) ※ tax included 基本清掃料(退室時)1K27540円(家具・家電付の部屋は3240円追加)※税込 |
| Bus toilet by, Air conditioning, TV interphone, Indoor laundry location, Delivery Box, Optical fiber, Immediate Available, Electric stove, Unnecessary brokerage fees, With consumer electronics, Furnished, Within a 10-minute walk station バストイレ別、エアコン、TVインターホン、室内洗濯置、宅配ボックス、光ファイバー、即入居可、電気コンロ、仲介手数料不要、家電付、家具付、駅徒歩10分以内 |
Property name 物件名 | | Rental housing, Shizuoka Prefecture Shizuoka Suruga-ku Mochimune 5 Mochimune Station [Rental apartment ・ Apartment] information Property Details 静岡県静岡市駿河区用宗5 用宗駅の賃貸住宅[賃貸マンション・アパート]情報 物件詳細 | Transportation facilities 交通機関 | | JR Tokaido Line / Mochimune walk 6 minutes JR東海道本線/用宗 歩6分
| Construction 構造 | | Light-gauge steel 軽量鉄骨 | Story 階建 | | 1st floor / 2-story 1階/2階建 | Built years 築年月 | | October 2004 2004年10月 | Nonlife insurance 損保 | | The main 要 | Parking lot 駐車場 | | On-site 5900 yen 敷地内5900円 | Move-in 入居 | | Immediately 即 | Trade aspect 取引態様 | | Lender 貸主 | Property code 取り扱い店舗物件コード | | 24592-103 24592-103 | Total units 総戸数 | | 16 houses 16戸 | Intermediate fee 仲介手数料 | | Unnecessary 不要 | Guarantor agency 保証人代行 | | Guarantee company use 必 guarantee fee: 100 by 55,190 yen (contract ~ Fluctuations have at 120%) ※ The amounts in the case of 120% 保証会社利用必 保証料:55190円(契約内容により100 ~ 120%で変動有)※記載金額は120%の場合 | In addition ほか初期費用 | | Total 25,800 yen (Breakdown: The key exchange costs 9496 yen, Antibacterial construction (Optional) ¥ 16400 (excluding tax)) 合計2.58万円(内訳:鍵交換費9496円、抗菌施工(任意)16400円(税別)) | Other expenses ほか諸費用 | | Environmental maintenance costs 540 yen / Month, Renewal fees 16200 yen / 2 years (tax included) 環境維持費540円/月、更新手数料16200円/2年(税込) |
Building appearance建物外観
Living and room居室・リビング
furniture ・ Equipment status of consumer electronics, etc. depends on the room.
furniture ・ Equipment status of consumer electronics, etc. depends on the room.
Kitchenキッチン furniture ・ Equipment status of consumer electronics, etc. depends on the room.
Bathバス Current state depends on the room.
Otherその他 furniture ・ Equipment status of consumer electronics, etc. depends on the room.
refrigerator ・ Microwave (type depends on the room)