Used Homes » Kanto » Kanagawa Prefecture » Aiko Gun

Kanagawa Prefecture Aiko Gun Aikawa
Odawara Line Odakyu "Hon-Atsugi" bus 32 minutes Ayumi Sakuradai 3 minutes
Full 2 ​​family house, A quiet residential area
Nakatsu Elementary School 1000m Aikawa Higashi Junior High School 2300m Aikawa Tatsunaka Tsunan nursery 300m Sakamoto children's house 500m Kumasaka Surgery Respiratory Medicine clinic 700m Parking two Allowed, 2 along the line more accessible, See the mountain, It is close to the city, System kitchen, Yang per good, All room storage, Around traffic fewerese-style room, Washbasin with shower, Toilet 2 places, 2-story, Underfloor Storage, The window in the bathroom, Leafy residential area, Urban neighborhood, Flat terrain, 2 family house
Features pickup
Parking two Allowed / 2 along the line more accessible / See the mountain / It is close to the city / System kitchen / Yang per good / All room storage / Around traffic fewer / Japanese-style room / Washbasin with shower / Toilet 2 places / 2-story / Underfloor Storage / The window in the bathroom / Leafy residential area / Urban neighborhood / Flat terrain / 2 family house
24,800,000 yen
Floor plan
Units sold
1 units
Land area
132.27 sq m (measured)
Building area
130.83 sq m (measured)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, Southeast 5.5m width (contact the road width 7.7m)
Completion date
November 1994
Kanagawa Prefecture Aiko Gun Aikawa Nakatsu
Odawara Line Odakyu "Hon-Atsugi" bus 32 minutes Ayumi Sakuradai 3 minutes
Sagami Railway Main Line "Ebina" 20 minutes Ayumi Sakuradai 3 minutes by bus
JR Sagami Line "original Toma" bus 22 minutes Ayumi Sakuradai 3 minutes
Person in charge
Rep Sugawara Tomoki Age: 20 Daigyokai experience: Nice to meet you 5 years! Industry history still has to study every day, but is shallow "I can wonder is your also wondering" creed. Please let me support you live your purchase of your ideal from both the point of view of our customers and the real estate agent.
TEL: 0800-603-8480 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 200%
Time residents
Immediate available
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story
Use district
One middle and high
Overview and notices
Contact: Sugawara Tomoki, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, Individual LPG
Company profile
<Mediation> Kanagawa Governor (2) Article 026 475 issue (stock) residence of square HOMESyubinbango252-0231 Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara 5-1-2A

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. There are two even car space in the full two family house, It is also a good per sun in the south road.
There are two even car space in the full two family house, It is also a good per sun in the south road.

Local appearance photo
Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo
Local appearance photo

Floor plan

Floor plan. 24,800,000 yen, 6DK, Land area 132.27 sq m , Building area 130.83 sq m
24,800,000 yen, 6DK, Land area 132.27 sq m , Building area 130.83 sq m

Local appearance photo
Local appearance photo


Local photos, including front road
Local photos, including front road


Parking lot
Parking lot


Hospital. Kumasaka 700m until the surgical respiratory Clinic
Kumasaka 700m until the surgical respiratory Clinic


Other. Aikawa Tatsunaka Tsunan nursery 300m
Aikawa Tatsunaka Tsunan nursery 300m

Local photos, including front road
Local photos, including front road
