Used Homes » Kanto » Kanagawa Prefecture » Kawasaki Miyamae-ku

Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture Miyamae-ku,
Denentoshi Tokyu "Miyazakidai" walk 6 minutes
LDK18 tatami mats or more, Facing south, System kitchen, All room storage, A quiet residential area, Around traffic fewer, Toilet 2 places, 2 or more sides balcony, South balcony, Good view, Built garage, 3rd floor
LDK18 tatami mats or more, Facing south, System kitchen, All room storage, A quiet residential area, Around traffic fewer, Toilet 2 places, 2 or more sides balcony, South balcony, Good view, Built garage, Three-story or more, City gas, Maintained sidewalk, roof balcony, rooftop
Features pickup
LDK18 tatami mats or more / Facing south / System kitchen / All room storage / A quiet residential area / Around traffic fewer / Toilet 2 places / 2 or more sides balcony / South balcony / Good view / Built garage / Three-story or more / City gas / Maintained sidewalk / roof balcony / rooftop
Event information
Taisei the back in the real estate sales, As we can so as to correspond to any consultation about the house, It started a "concierge service" of real estate. "Law on Real Estate ・ Tax / Buying and selling ・ Operation / Rent ・ management / Architecture ・ Renovation ", etc., Professional staff will be happy to answer for a variety of consultation. Because it does not take the cost, Please feel free to contact us. Concierge desk Reception time 10 o'clock ~ At 18 (Wednesday regular holiday) FAX are accepted 24 hours. Telephone number (toll-free) 0120-938-596FAX 03-3567-3933 / ) Consultation in from the mail is also available.
49,800,000 yen
Floor plan
Units sold
1 units
Land area
70.9 sq m (registration)
Building area
137.45 sq m (registration), Among the first floor garage 14.64 sq m
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, Northeast 12m width
Completion date
January 1989
Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ku, Miyamae Miyazaki 1
Denentoshi Tokyu "Miyazakidai" walk 6 minutes
Person in charge
Person in charge of real-estate and building Kanazawa KotobukiIchiro Age: 20 Daigyokai Experience: 5 years holiday bouldering in baseball and cycling. This Kanazawa has been enhanced to public and personal. small ・ During ~ ・ We will continue to push forward in good faith to meet the hope of everyone in the footwork and tenacious sales activities that were cultivated in baseball life of high nine years.
TEL: 0800-603-0209 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 200%
Time residents
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Steel 4-story
Use district
One middle and high
Overview and notices
Contact: Kanazawa KotobukiIchiro, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, City gas, Parking: Garage
Company profile
<Mediation> Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (8) No. 003,394 (one company) Real Estate Association (Corporation) metropolitan area real estate Fair Trade Council member Taisei the back Real Estate Sales Co., Ltd. Tama Plaza office Yubinbango225-0002 Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Aoba-ku, Utsukushigaoka 1-4-16 Oh - Kusubiru first floor

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. appearance

Local appearance photo. appearance

Floor plan

Floor plan. 49,800,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 70.9 sq m , Building area 137.45 sq m floor plan
49,800,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 70.9 sq m , Building area 137.45 sq m floor plan



Wash basin, toilet

Wash basin, toilet. bathroom


Local photos, including front road

Local photos, including front road. Frontal road
Frontal road


Balcony. Roof terrace
Roof terrace

View photos from the dwelling unit

View photos from the dwelling unit. View from the roof terrace
View from the roof terrace


Other. Miyazakidai station
Miyazakidai station

View photos from the dwelling unit

View photos from the dwelling unit. View from the roof terrace
View from the roof terrace


Other. Miyazakidai station
Miyazakidai station

View photos from the dwelling unit

View photos from the dwelling unit. View from the roof terrace
View from the roof terrace


Other. Tsutaya

Other. Tipness

Other. Tokyu Store Chain
Tokyu Store Chain

Other. Yutakaraya

Other. Miyazaki first park
Miyazaki first park

Other. Miyazaki Children Cultural Center
Miyazaki Children Cultural Center
