Used Homes » Kanto » Kanagawa Prefecture » Kawasaki Miyamae-ku

Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture Miyamae-ku,
Denentoshi Tokyu "Mizonokuchi" bus 7 minutes Shibokuhon cho, walk 2 minutes
Renovation property already used equipment of large floor plan! Wood deck newly established! Basement to living, It is on the second floor about 6 Pledge large loft other storage galore! After-sales service 2-year warranty with the peace of mind!
Super close, It is close to the city, Interior and exterior renovation, System kitchen, Bathroom Dryer, Yang per good, Siemens south road, A quiet residential area, Or more before road 6mese-style room, Washbasin with shower, Toilet 2 places, 2-story, Flooring Chokawa, Warm water washing toilet seat, loft, The window in the bathroom, Leafy residential area, Urban neighborhood, Ventilation good, Wood deck, Dish washing dryer, All room 6 tatami mats or more, Water filter, Storeroom, Attic storage
Features pickup
Super close / It is close to the city / Interior and exterior renovation / System kitchen / Bathroom Dryer / Yang per good / Siemens south road / A quiet residential area / Or more before road 6m / Japanese-style room / Washbasin with shower / Toilet 2 places / 2-story / Flooring Chokawa / Warm water washing toilet seat / loft / The window in the bathroom / Leafy residential area / Urban neighborhood / Ventilation good / Wood deck / Dish washing dryer / All room 6 tatami mats or more / Water filter / Storeroom / Attic storage
37,800,000 yen
Floor plan
4LDK + S (storeroom)
Units sold
1 units
Total units
1 units
Land area
117.79 sq m (registration)
Building area
116.26 sq m (registration)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, South 6.5m width (contact the road width 3.3m)
Completion date
11 May 1990
Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture Miyamae-ku, Shibokuhon cho 2
Denentoshi Tokyu "Mizonokuchi" bus 7 minutes Shibokuhon cho, walk 2 minutes
Denentoshi Tokyu "Kajigatani" bus 14 minutes Shibokuhon cho, walk 1 minute
Odakyu line "Mukogaoka Amusement" bus 13 minutes Shibokuhon cho, walk 1 minute
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
Rep Saito Yu Age: 20 Daigyokai Experience: 6 years customers one person I try My home plan that suits one person !! Let's realize together a satisfactory plan reasonable !!
TEL: 0800-603-8928 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 200%
Time residents
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story
2013 November interior renovation completed (kitchen ・ bathroom ・ toilet ・ wall ・ floor ・ cleaning), 2013 November exterior renovation completed (outer wall ・ roof)
Use district
Overview and notices
Contact: Saito Yu, Parking: car space
Company profile
<Mediation> Kanagawa Governor (2) the first 026,950 No. Century 21 Corporation Yokohama estate Yubinbango222-0033 Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kohoku 3-21-12

Floor plan

Floor plan. 37,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 117.79 sq m , Building area 116.26 sq m
37,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 117.79 sq m , Building area 116.26 sq m

Compartment figure

Compartment figure. 37,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 117.79 sq m , Building area 116.26 sq m
37,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 117.79 sq m , Building area 116.26 sq m

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting


Living. Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting
Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting


Bathroom. Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting
Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting


Kitchen. Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting
Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting

Non-living room

Non-living room. Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting
Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting


Wash basin, toilet

Wash basin, toilet. Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting
Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting

Local photos, including front road

Local photos, including front road. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting


Balcony. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting


Supermarket. Supermarkets and 950m to still
Supermarkets and 950m to still

Non-living room

Non-living room. Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting
Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting

Primary school

Primary school. 600m to Kawasaki City Nagao Elementary School
600m to Kawasaki City Nagao Elementary School

Non-living room

Non-living room. Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting
Indoor (11 May 2013) Shooting

Junior high school

Junior high school. 550m to the Kawasaki Municipal Mukogaoka junior high school
550m to the Kawasaki Municipal Mukogaoka junior high school

Kindergarten ・ Nursery

kindergarten ・ Nursery. Lark to nursery school 1400m
Lark to nursery school 1400m

kindergarten ・ Nursery. Lark 700m to kindergarten
Lark 700m to kindergarten


Hospital. 2300m to Takeda hospital
2300m to Takeda hospital
