Used Homes » Tokai » Mie Prefecture » Kuwana

Mie Prefecture Kuwana
Happu bus "Nishiseiwadai" walk 4 minutes
Parking three or more possible, Land 50 square meters or more, Or more before road 6mese-style room, 2-story, The window in the bathroom
■ It is Sekisui House building. Parking up to three possible. Please feel free to contact us.
Features pickup
Parking three or more possible / Land 50 square meters or more / Or more before road 6m / Japanese-style room / 2-story / The window in the bathroom
14.9 million yen
Floor plan
Units sold
1 units
Land area
218.94 sq m (registration)
Building area
89.68 sq m (registration)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, East 8m width
Completion date
May 1982
Mie Prefecture Kuwana Nishiseiwadai 5
Happu bus "Nishiseiwadai" walk 4 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
[Regarding this property.] ■ When the preview hope, Please feel free to book until 0800-200-9021. ■ We also look forward to your inquiry.
TEL: 0594-33-0021 Please inquire as "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
Building coverage, floor area ratio
Fifty percent ・ 80%
Time residents
1 month after the contract
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Light-gauge steel 2-story
Use district
One low-rise
Overview and notices
Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, Individual LPG, Parking: car space
Company profile
<Mediation> triple Governor (1) the first 003,149 No. Century 21 (Ltd.) Winds Yubinbango511-0912 Mie Prefecture Kuwana Oaza Hoshikawa 891

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Local (August 2013) Shooting
Local (August 2013) Shooting

Floor plan

Floor plan. 14.9 million yen, 4DK, Land area 218.94 sq m , Building area 89.68 sq m
14.9 million yen, 4DK, Land area 218.94 sq m , Building area 89.68 sq m


Local appearance photo
Local appearance photo


Parking lot
Parking lot

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Local (August 2013) Shooting
Local (August 2013) Shooting
