Used Homes » Kanto » Tokyo » Ome

Ome, Tokyo
JR Ome Line "Hinatawada" walk 17 minutes
Facing the south road to the environment that can enjoy nature, Two parking can parallel parking. Please to look at experience. Creation Holmes 042-541-8853
Supermarket ・ post office ・ JA ・ convenience store ・ library ・ kindergarten ・ small, Junior high school, etc. all is a good residential area of ​​very convenience at walking distance. Until the station outdoor lights, The sidewalk is also safe slow return because Masu maintenance of retinyl. The building was beautifully renovated, Yang per facing south road, Do not we live in a good living environment Umenosato.
Features pickup
Parking two Allowed / Immediate Available / See the mountain / Super close / Interior and exterior renovation / Interior renovation / Facing south / Yang per good / All room storage / Flat to the station / Siemens south road / Around traffic fewer / Japanese-style room / Shaping land / Idyll / Washbasin with shower / Exterior renovation / 2-story / South balcony / Flooring Chokawa / Nantei / Underfloor Storage / TV monitor interphone / Renovation / High-function toilet / Leafy residential area / Ventilation good / Wood deck / Walk-in closet / All rooms are two-sided lighting / Maintained sidewalk / Flat terrain / Development subdivision in
Event information
Open House (Please make a reservation beforehand) schedule / Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays time / 9:00 ~ 16:00
11.8 million yen
Floor plan
4LDK + S (storeroom)
Units sold
1 units
Land area
113.41 sq m (34.30 tsubo) (measured)
Building area
86.94 sq m (26.29 tsubo) (Registration)
Driveway burden-road
9.32 sq m , South 4.2m width (contact the road width 8m)
Completion date
June 1987
Ome, Tokyo Baigo 6-1245-4
JR Ome Line "Hinatawada" walk 17 minutes
JR Ome Line "Ishigami before" walking 15 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
[Regarding this property.] The seller direct sales. Night of returning home is also safe because there is also outdoor lights on the sidewalk that was in place from the train station. Super in the middle ・ convenience store ・ There are a number of pharmacies, etc. shops.
(Yes) creation Holmes TEL: 042-541-8853 Please inquire as "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
Building coverage, floor area ratio
40% ・ 80%
Time residents
Immediate available
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story
December 2012 interior renovation completed (kitchen ・ bathroom ・ toilet ・ wall ・ floor ・ all rooms ・ lighting equipment), December 2012 exterior renovation completed (gable board)
Use district
One low-rise
Other limitations
Height district, Height ceiling Yes
Overview and notices
Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, Individual LPG, Building confirmation number: snail = Make 1032 No., Parking: car space
Company profile
<Seller> Governor of Tokyo (2) No. 083328 (with) the creation Holmes Yubinbango196-0003 Tokyo Akishima Matsubara-cho 5-21-2


Living. LDK 10.5 quires that light sunshine is plugged
LDK 10.5 quires that light sunshine is plugged


Other. Wood deck that follow from living
Wood deck that follow from living

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Local (June 2013) Shooting
Local (June 2013) Shooting

Floor plan

Floor plan. 11.8 million yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 113.41 sq m , You can park two cars in the building area 86.94 sq m Nantei destination
11.8 million yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 113.41 sq m , You can park two cars in the building area 86.94 sq m Nantei destination


Bathroom. Bathroom bright human large tub
Bathroom bright human large tub


Kitchen. Indoor (June 2013) Shooting
Indoor (June 2013) Shooting


Entrance. Approach leading to the front door
Approach leading to the front door

Wash basin, toilet

Wash basin, toilet. Three-sided mirror shower vanity
Three-sided mirror shower vanity


Receipt. Storeroom


Toilet. Indoor (June 2013) Shooting
Indoor (June 2013) Shooting


Garden. TV intercom with post
TV intercom with post


Supermarket. Until the Ecos 470m
Until the Ecos 470m

Other introspection

Other introspection. Stairs with a handrail
Stairs with a handrail

Local guide map

Local guide map. Flat to the station where the sidewalk is complete
Flat to the station where the sidewalk is complete


Entrance. Local (June 2013) Shooting
Local (June 2013) Shooting

Wash basin, toilet

Wash basin, toilet. Established a hanging door a yield capacity on top of the vanity
Established a hanging door a yield capacity on top of the vanity


Receipt. Set up a shelf with a storage capacity in the closet
Set up a shelf with a storage capacity in the closet

Home center

Home center. Village until hobby 470m
Village until hobby 470m

Other introspection

Other introspection. Western style room
Western style room


Entrance. It installed a new storage abundant cupboard
It installed a new storage abundant cupboard

Non-living room

Non-living room. 10.5 Pledge of Western-style is a sense of liberation with a gradient ceiling
10.5 Pledge of Western-style is a sense of liberation with a gradient ceiling

Non-living room. A Japanese-style room 6 quires of calmness
A Japanese-style room 6 quires of calmness
