New Homes » Tokai » Aichi Prefecture » Kasugai

Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture
JR Chuo Line "Kozoji" walk 23 minutes
[Forest Notes Kasugai Of Fuji-cho house Part3] Seller Property ■ Bright facing the south side road 3 House! ■ Glad plan to his wife with all the building back door!
○ feature construction housing performance with evaluation, Design house performance with evaluation, Measures to conserve energy, Long-term high-quality housing, Solar power system, Airtight high insulated houses, Pre-ground survey, Seismic fit, Parking two Allowed, Energy-saving water heaters, Super close, Facing south, System kitchen, Bathroom Dryer, All room storage, Siemens south road, LDK15 tatami mats or more, Or more before road 6m, Washbasin with shower, Toilet 2 places, Bathroom 1 tsubo or more, 2-story, South balcony, Double-glazing, Warm water washing toilet seat, Underfloor Storage, The window in the bathroom, Atrium, TV monitor interphone, High-function toilet, IH cooking heater, Dish washing dryer, Walk-in closet, Water filter, City gas, Floor heating
Seller comments
Building C
Local guide map
Local guide map
Features pickup
Construction housing performance with evaluation / Design house performance with evaluation / Measures to conserve energy / Long-term high-quality housing / Solar power system / Airtight high insulated houses / Pre-ground survey / Seismic fit / Parking two Allowed / Immediate Available / Energy-saving water heaters / Super close / Facing south / System kitchen / Bathroom Dryer / All room storage / Siemens south road / LDK15 tatami mats or more / Or more before road 6m / Washbasin with shower / Toilet 2 places / Bathroom 1 tsubo or more / 2-story / South balcony / Double-glazing / Warm water washing toilet seat / Underfloor Storage / The window in the bathroom / Atrium / TV monitor interphone / High-function toilet / IH cooking heater / Dish washing dryer / Walk-in closet / Water filter / City gas / Floor heating
Event information
Local tours (Please be sure to ask in advance) time / 10:00 ~ 17:00 As you can see slowly, We will arrange. Than "Request button", Please inform the tour desired time in advance.
Property name
Forest Notes Kasugai Of Fuji-cho house Part3 [Solar power standard! ] Seller Property
36,300,000 yen ・ 36.5 million yen
Floor plan
4LDK + 2S (storeroom)
Units sold
2 units
Total units
3 units
Land area
134.44 sq m ・ 134.96 sq m (40.66 tsubo ・ 40.82 square meters)
Building area
108.35 sq m ・ 111.8 sq m (32.77 tsubo ・ 33.81 square meters)
Driveway burden-road
South 6.0m
Completion date
Early September 2013
Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture Fuji-cho, 2-5 No. 23, 24
JR Chuo Line "Kozoji" walk 23 minutes
JR Chuo Line "Shinryo" walk 33 minutes
Aichi circular railway "Nakamizuno" walk 73 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
(Ltd.) Wood Friends TEL: 0800-603-1631 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
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Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Sale schedule
Tax saving ・ Also questions about such expenses, Than "Request button", Please feel free to ask.
Most price range
36 million yen (2 units)
Building coverage, floor area ratio
Building coverage: 60%, Volume ratio: 200%
Time residents
Immediate available
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden Galvalume steel Itabuki 2 story
Co., Ltd. Wood Friends
Use district
One middle and high
Land category
Residential land
Overview and notices
Building confirmation number: No. H25 confirmation architecture Love Kenjuse 20611 other
Company profile
<Seller> Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (3) No. 006013 (Corporation) Aichi Prefecture Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Association Tokai Real Estate Fair Trade Council member (Ltd.) Wood Friends Yubinbango460-0008 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture 4-5-3

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. B Togaikan photo  ※ 2013 / 9 / 10 shooting through 2WAY kitchen that can! It was friendly housework flow line of wife. Large Fukinuki of living top will be brighter space can also ensure lighting from the east side.
B Togaikan photo ※ 2013 / 9 / 10 shooting through 2WAY kitchen that can! It was friendly housework flow line of wife. Large Fukinuki of living top will be brighter space can also ensure lighting from the east side.


Kitchen. Was also friendly convenient pantry and housework flow line to the storage of building B kitchen kitchen utensils, I'm glad plan to wife.
Was also friendly convenient pantry and housework flow line to the storage of building B kitchen kitchen utensils, I'm glad plan to wife.

Other introspection

Other introspection. It has become a residence with a sense of unity by the Building B Fukinuki dining top providing a Fukinuki.
It has become a residence with a sense of unity by the Building B Fukinuki dining top providing a Fukinuki.

Other introspection. Building B second floor hallway counter, Available as a bookshelf can hold the picture books and family albums of children.
Building B second floor hallway counter, Available as a bookshelf can hold the picture books and family albums of children.

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. C Togaikan water around the aggregate plan! It has established a back door to wash undressing. Spacious top of the living room of 20.3 Pledge is very open in Fukinuki! Living More of the Japanese-style room is also attractive.
C Togaikan water around the aggregate plan! It has established a back door to wash undressing. Spacious top of the living room of 20.3 Pledge is very open in Fukinuki! Living More of the Japanese-style room is also attractive.


Living. Living opened in the C building living south is, Flooded with natural light, A healthy, Spend the gentle moments while enjoying a conversation in the family.
Living opened in the C building living south is, Flooded with natural light, A healthy, Spend the gentle moments while enjoying a conversation in the family.

Non-living room

Non-living room. Building C Master Bedroom ・ The main bedroom and a Western-style Western-style gradient ceiling, You can also arrange to two rooms in accordance with the growth of the child.
Building C Master Bedroom ・ The main bedroom and a Western-style Western-style gradient ceiling, You can also arrange to two rooms in accordance with the growth of the child.

Other introspection

Other introspection. And natural light coming through C Building 2 Kairoka. Window, You can stay in the stairwell of a feeling of opening.
And natural light coming through C Building 2 Kairoka. Window, You can stay in the stairwell of a feeling of opening.

Floor plan

Floor plan. (B Building), Price 36.5 million yen, 4LDK+2S, Land area 134.44 sq m , Building area 111.8 sq m
(B Building), Price 36.5 million yen, 4LDK+2S, Land area 134.44 sq m , Building area 111.8 sq m

Floor plan. (C Building), Price 36,300,000 yen, 4LDK+2S, Land area 134.96 sq m , Building area 108.35 sq m
(C Building), Price 36,300,000 yen, 4LDK+2S, Land area 134.96 sq m , Building area 108.35 sq m

The entire compartment Figure

The entire compartment Figure. Compartment figure
Compartment figure

Local guide map

Local guide map. Detail view
Detail view


Other. Performance evaluation certification Ranking (fiscal 2011) design performance evaluation nationwide 8th! Construction performance evaluation nationwide 7th!
Performance evaluation certification Ranking (fiscal 2011) design performance evaluation nationwide 8th! Construction performance evaluation nationwide 7th!

Other. Wood Friends Group Business Information
Wood Friends Group Business Information

Other. Peace of mind in the long-term high-quality housing ・ Favorable living
Peace of mind in the long-term high-quality housing ・ Favorable living

Other. Safe production of structural materials in our factory
Safe production of structural materials in our factory


Bathroom. Beautiful Yu system bus Reference materials
Beautiful Yu system bus Reference materials


Kitchen. San'webu AS system Kitchen Reference materials
San'webu AS system Kitchen Reference materials

Local guide map

Local guide map. Wide-area view
Wide-area view
