New Homes » Tokai » Aichi Prefecture » Kasugai

Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture
Meitetsu bus "Nyoisaru town" walk 14 minutes
☆ Consumer electronics is a 10-pack object properties ☆ We will present a 10-point home appliances due to the new store Okazaki Kitamise open. Heisei to up to 25 years the end of December only to those who become your conclusion of a contract in a regular amount of money. Please contact us for more information.
Corresponding to the flat-35S, Parking two Allowed, Bathroom Dryer, LDK15 tatami mats or moreese-style room, Washbasin with shower, All room storage, Flat to the station, Or more before road 6m, Shaping land, Face-to-face kitchen, Toilet 2 places, 2-story, Double-glazing, Warm water washing toilet seat, Underfloor Storage, The window in the bathroom, TV monitor interphone, Walk-in closet, All-electric
Features pickup
Corresponding to the flat-35S / Parking two Allowed / Bathroom Dryer / All room storage / Flat to the station / LDK15 tatami mats or more / Or more before road 6m / Japanese-style room / Shaping land / Washbasin with shower / Face-to-face kitchen / Toilet 2 places / 2-story / Double-glazing / Warm water washing toilet seat / Underfloor Storage / The window in the bathroom / TV monitor interphone / Walk-in closet / All-electric
Event information
Local guide Board (Please be sure to ask in advance) schedule / During the public time / 9:00 ~ 20:00 in the open from 9 am to 8 pm! Weekday ・ It is being accepted the local preview regardless of Saturday and Sunday. In the case of prior to completion will be happy to another site you guidance of the same specification. Please feel free to contact us. "House coordinator Division" toll free: 0800-603-7349
34,800,000 yen
Floor plan
4LDK + S (storeroom)
Units sold
1 units
Total units
1 units
Land area
160.04 sq m
Building area
102.87 sq m
Driveway burden-road
Completion date
March 2014
Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture Nyoisaru cho 2
Meitetsu bus "Nyoisaru town" walk 14 minutes Komaki Meitetsu "Kasugai" walk 15 minutes
Komaki Meitetsu "Ajiyoshi" walk 23 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
Person in charge of real-estate and building Kitahara SusumuSatoru Age: 30 Daigyokai Experience: 7 years will be a "your house hunting" it as "fun and firmly". First, Please feel free to contact us (real estate SHOP Nakajitsu House coordinator Division, Toll-free 0120-82-9991)
TEL: 0800-603-7349 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 200%
Time residents
April 2014 schedule
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story
Use district
One dwelling
Other limitations
Regulations have by the Aviation Law, Article 22 areas, Specific urban river basin
Overview and notices
Contact: Kitahara SusumuSatoru, Facilities: Public Water Supply, All-electric, Building confirmation number: confirmation service No. KS113-1310-02008, Parking: car space
Company profile
<Seller> Governor of Aichi Prefecture (2) No. 020601 (Corporation) Aichi Prefecture Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Association Tokai Real Estate Fair Trade Council member (Ltd.) Property SHOP Nakajitsu House Division Yubinbango444-0831 Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture Hanekita cho 5-6-5

Rendering (appearance)

Rendering (appearance). It will be completed image view. Parking spaces are parked parallel to three (depending on model).
It will be completed image view. Parking spaces are parked parallel to three (depending on model).

Floor plan

Floor plan. 34,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 160.04 sq m , It faces a building area 102.87 sq m all Shitsuminami, It has taken to spread the balcony.
34,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 160.04 sq m , It faces a building area 102.87 sq m all Shitsuminami, It has taken to spread the balcony.

Same specifications photos (appearance)

Same specifications photos (appearance). It will be our construction case. It is a simple appearance.
It will be our construction case. It is a simple appearance.

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Local (10 May 2013) Shooting
Local (10 May 2013) Shooting

Same specifications photos (living)

Same specifications photos (living). It will be our construction case. White is a living, which was based on.
It will be our construction case. White is a living, which was based on.

Local photos, including front road

Local photos, including front road. Local (10 May 2013) Shooting
Local (10 May 2013) Shooting

Other introspection

Other introspection. It will be our construction case, Kitchen part
It will be our construction case, Kitchen part

Other introspection. It will be our construction case, bathroom
It will be our construction case, bathroom

Other introspection. It will be our construction case, Washroom
It will be our construction case, Washroom

Other introspection. It will be our construction case, toilet
It will be our construction case, toilet

Other introspection. It will be our construction caseese-style room part
It will be our construction caseese-style room part

Other introspection. It will be our construction case, Room part
It will be our construction case, Room part

Primary school

Primary school. Matsuyama to elementary school
Matsuyama to elementary school
