New Homes » Tokai » Aichi Prefecture » Nagoya, Nishi-ku

Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Nishi-ku,
Subway Tsurumai "Shonai Dori" walk 15 minutes
Subway Tsurumai "Shonai Dori" station Walk about 15 minutes
Yes Loft
Features pickup
System kitchen / All room storage / Or more before road 6m / Face-to-face kitchen / Bathroom 1 tsubo or more / 2-story / All room 6 tatami mats or more / Water filter / City gas
28,900,000 yen
Floor plan
Units sold
1 units
Total units
5 units
Land area
122.02 sq m (measured)
Building area
87.79 sq m (measured)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, East 7.2m width
Completion date
November 2013
Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Nishi-ku, Sasazuka cho 2
Subway Tsurumai "Shonai Dori" walk 15 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
Person in charge of real-estate and building Ikai Takehito Age: 40 Daigyokai experience: in the six years the customer's point of view will be looking for a nice house together. Anything please feel free to contact us.
TEL: 0120-287108 [Toll free] Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 300%
Time residents
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story
Use district
Overview and notices
Contact: Ikai Warrior, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, City gas, Building confirmation number: 13SGS-A-01-0864 No., Parking: car space
Company profile
<Mediation> Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (6) No. 004,224 (one company) National Housing Industry Association (Corporation) metropolitan area real estate Fair Trade Council member (Ltd.) Towa House Kasugai store Yubinbango486-0845 Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture Mizuhotori 1-192 diamond building

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Under construction November 18, shooting
Under construction November 18, shooting

Floor plan

Floor plan. 28,900,000 yen, 3LDK, Land area 122.02 sq m , Building area 87.79 sq m floor plan
28,900,000 yen, 3LDK, Land area 122.02 sq m , Building area 87.79 sq m floor plan


Other. The entire compartment Figure
The entire compartment Figure

Other local

Other local. Front road (east)
Front road (east)

Other local. Front road (north)
Front road (north)
