New Homes » Tokai » Aichi Prefecture » Toyoake

Aichi Prefecture Toyoake
Nagoyahonsen Meitetsu "before and after" walking 27 minutes
●●● in local guided accepting ●●● 0800-603-6338 [Toll free] Please feel free to contact us to!
Convenient and safe environment in which education facility in a quiet residential area are aligned within walking distance. Ya rich natural park, Also enhance facilities that are essential to life. A comfortable living for your family, You gently support. ● 600m to bimodal elementary school (walk about 8 minutes) ● Toyoaki until junior high school 900m (walk about 12 minutes)
Features pickup
Measures to conserve energy / Corresponding to the flat-35S / Parking two Allowed / Super close / System kitchen / Bathroom Dryer / Yang per good / All room storage / A quiet residential area / LDK15 tatami mats or more / Corner lot / Japanese-style room / Washbasin with shower / Face-to-face kitchen / Toilet 2 places / Bathroom 1 tsubo or more / 2-story / Double-glazing / Warm water washing toilet seat / The window in the bathroom / TV monitor interphone / Dish washing dryer / Walk-in closet / Water filter / City gas / All rooms are two-sided lighting
Event information
●●●●●●●●● local guide Accepting ●●●●●●●●● Please contact us in advance ※ Crime prevention ・ Because of quality preservation, Staff will unlock in you had contacted me about time. 0800-603-6338 [Toll free] What Please feel free to contact us! Weekday, We will guide regardless of Saturday and Sunday! ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
36,980,000 yen
Floor plan
Units sold
1 units
Total units
4 units
Land area
108.09 sq m (registration)
Building area
101.96 sq m (registration)
Driveway burden-road
Completion date
December 2013
Aichi Prefecture Toyoake Futamuradai 4-14-30
Nagoyahonsen Meitetsu "before and after" walking 27 minutes
Sunflower bus "Futamuradai 4-chome" walk 3 minutes Nagoyahonsen Meitetsu "Chukyokeibajomae" walk 35 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
Person in charge of real-estate and building Tojo Takashi Other Age: 60 Daigyokai Experience: 30 years earthquake ・ tsunami ・ Liquefaction ・ Cliff failure ・ It is a professional for natural disasters and architecture of the flood, etc.. Anything please consult. [1 class architect]
TEL: 0800-603-6338 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 200%
Time residents
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story
Use district
One middle and high
Overview and notices
Contact: Tojo Takashi other, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, City gas, Building confirmation number: No. H25 confirmation architecture Love Kenjuse No. 21872, Parking: car space
Company profile
<Mediation> Governor of Aichi Prefecture (2) No. 020175 (Corporation) Aichi Prefecture Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Association Tokai Real Estate Fair Trade Council member (Ltd.) Aidemu home Nagoya Minamiten Yubinbango458-0801 Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Midori-ku Narumi-cho Suwayama 152-1

Compartment figure

Compartment figure. Weekday ・ Alike Saturday and Sunday, We will guide you! Please feel free to contact us!
Weekday ・ Alike Saturday and Sunday, We will guide you! Please feel free to contact us!

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting

Local appearance photo. Local (June 2013) Shooting
Local (June 2013) Shooting

Floor plan

Floor plan. 36,980,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 108.09 sq m , Building area 101.96 sq m
36,980,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 108.09 sq m , Building area 101.96 sq m

Same specifications photo (kitchen)

Same specifications photo (kitchen). Same specifications Photos
Same specifications Photos

Same specifications photo (bathroom)

Same specifications photo (bathroom). Same specifications Photos
Same specifications Photos

Same specifications photos (Other introspection)

Same specifications photos (Other introspection). Same specifications Photos
Same specifications Photos

Same specifications photos (Other introspection). Same specifications Photos
Same specifications Photos

Local appearance photo

Local appearance photo. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting

Local appearance photo. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting

Local appearance photo. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting

Local appearance photo. Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
Local (11 May 2013) Shooting
