New Homes » Tohoku » Miyagi Prefecture » Ishinomaki

Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture
Bus "Minamizakai Ozone" walk 1 minute
Flat 35S Eco B corresponding ・ Ground guarantee housing ・ Termite warranty ・ Deposit money system usage based on the residential warranty fulfillment method ・ Third party building inspection ・ Residence of warranty
Flat 35S Eco B corresponding ・ Ground guarantee housing ・ Termite warranty ・ Deposit money system usage based on the residential warranty fulfillment method ・ Third party building inspection ・ Residence of warranty ・ Corresponding to the flat-35S, Land 50 square meters or more, Energy-saving water heaters, System kitchen, It is close to the city, Parking three or more possible, All room storage, Flat to the station, LDK15 tatami mats or more, Or more before road 6mese-style room, Garden more than 10 square meters, Washbasin with shower, Face-to-face kitchen, Wide balcony, Barrier-free, Toilet 2 places, Bathroom 1 tsubo or more, 2-story, Southeast direction, Zenshitsuminami direction, Otobasu, Warm water washing toilet seat, Underfloor Storage, Water filter, All-electric, Readjustment land within
Features pickup
Corresponding to the flat-35S / Parking three or more possible / Land 50 square meters or more / Energy-saving water heaters / It is close to the city / System kitchen / All room storage / Flat to the station / LDK15 tatami mats or more / Or more before road 6m / Japanese-style room / Garden more than 10 square meters / Washbasin with shower / Face-to-face kitchen / Wide balcony / Barrier-free / Toilet 2 places / Bathroom 1 tsubo or more / 2-story / Southeast direction / Zenshitsuminami direction / Otobasu / Warm water washing toilet seat / Underfloor Storage / Water filter / All-electric / Readjustment land within
32,500,000 yen
Floor plan
Units sold
1 units
Total units
1 units
Land area
231 sq m (69.87 tsubo) (Registration)
Building area
105.98 sq m (32.05 tsubo) (Registration)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, South 6m width
Completion date
January 2014
Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture Minamizakai shaped Shin'ine interference
Bus "Minamizakai Ozone" walk 1 minute
Person in charge
Person in charge of real-estate and building more information age to charge Tamaru: 30 Daigyokai experience: is 8 years buyer-like position, We aim to consulting that do not burden of a lifetime life. Those having problems with your mortgage, Uneasy, Please feel free to contact us. Customer sale hope Immediate assessment ・ We will cash purchase.
TEL: 0800-603-7074 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 82%
Time residents
February 2014 schedule
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story (framing method)
Use district
One low-rise
Other limitations
Flat 35S Eco B corresponding ・ Ground guarantee housing ・ Termite warranty ・ Deposit money system usage based on the residential warranty fulfillment method ・ Third party building inspection
Overview and notices
Person in charge: is the person in charge Tamaru details, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, All-electric, Building confirmation number: Miyagi Kenju No. 01621, Parking: car space
Company profile
<Mediation> Miyagi Governor (2) the first 005,393 No. Kirara Ju販 Co. Yubinbango980-0014 Miyagi Prefecture, Aoba-ku, Sendai Honcho 1-13-32

Floor plan

Floor plan. 32,500,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 231 sq m , Building area 105.98 sq m flat 35S Eco B corresponding ・ Ground guarantee housing ・ Termite warranty ・ Deposit money system usage based on the residential warranty fulfillment method ・ Third party building inspection
32,500,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 231 sq m , Building area 105.98 sq m flat 35S Eco B corresponding ・ Ground guarantee housing ・ Termite warranty ・ Deposit money system usage based on the residential warranty fulfillment method ・ Third party building inspection

Rendering (appearance)

Rendering (appearance). Same specifications
Same specifications

Rendering (appearance). Compartment figure
Compartment figure

Same specifications photo (bathroom)

Same specifications photo (bathroom). Same specifications Kururin poi drainage port we solve the complaints of cleaning by the force of the vortex (^ 0 ^) / Easy to dry the floor, Comfortable tub with bench considering the fun of bathing (^ 0 ^) /
Same specifications Kururin poi drainage port we solve the complaints of cleaning by the force of the vortex (^ 0 ^) / Easy to dry the floor, Comfortable tub with bench considering the fun of bathing (^ 0 ^) /

Same specifications photo (kitchen)

Same specifications photo (kitchen). Same specifications Door is a high-pressure melanin panel, Countertops artificial marble, Gas appliance cleaning a breeze in the enamel top finish (^ 0 ^) / Water purifier integrated hand shower faucet, Also taken out comfortably with heavy storage products in the swing down Wall
Same specifications Door is a high-pressure melanin panel, Countertops artificial marble, Gas appliance cleaning a breeze in the enamel top finish (^ 0 ^) / Water purifier integrated hand shower faucet, Also taken out comfortably with heavy storage products in the swing down Wall

Same specifications photo (kitchen). Same specifications Door is a high-pressure melanin panel, Countertops artificial marble, Gas appliance cleaning a breeze in the enamel top finish (^ 0 ^) / Water purifier integrated hand shower faucet, Also taken out comfortably with heavy storage products in the swing down Wall
Same specifications Door is a high-pressure melanin panel, Countertops artificial marble, Gas appliance cleaning a breeze in the enamel top finish (^ 0 ^) / Water purifier integrated hand shower faucet, Also taken out comfortably with heavy storage products in the swing down Wall

Same specifications photo (kitchen). Same specifications Door is a high-pressure melanin panel, Countertops artificial marble, Gas appliance cleaning a breeze in the enamel top finish (^ 0 ^) / Water purifier integrated hand shower faucet, Also taken out comfortably with heavy storage products in the swing down Wall
Same specifications Door is a high-pressure melanin panel, Countertops artificial marble, Gas appliance cleaning a breeze in the enamel top finish (^ 0 ^) / Water purifier integrated hand shower faucet, Also taken out comfortably with heavy storage products in the swing down Wall


Entrance. Same specifications Construction Case photo
Same specifications Construction Case photo

Entrance. Same specifications Construction Case photo
Same specifications Construction Case photo

Entrance. Same specifications Color monitor Hong
Same specifications Color monitor Hong

Non-living room

Non-living room. Same specifications Construction Case photo
Same specifications Construction Case photo

Non-living room. Same specifications Construction Case photo
Same specifications Construction Case photo

Wash basin, toilet

Wash basin, toilet. Same specifications Ceramic surface ball, Hose internal organs type of lift-up faucet, Base cabinet stuck to the usability, Storage shelves can be changed in height by a removable (^ 0 ^) /
Same specifications Ceramic surface ball, Hose internal organs type of lift-up faucet, Base cabinet stuck to the usability, Storage shelves can be changed in height by a removable (^ 0 ^) /

Wash basin, toilet. Same specifications Ceramic surface ball, Hose internal organs type of lift-up faucet, Base cabinet stuck to the usability, Storage shelves can be changed in height by a removable (^ 0 ^) /
Same specifications Ceramic surface ball, Hose internal organs type of lift-up faucet, Base cabinet stuck to the usability, Storage shelves can be changed in height by a removable (^ 0 ^) /

Wash basin, toilet. Same specifications Ceramic surface ball, Hose internal organs type of lift-up faucet, Base cabinet stuck to the usability, Storage shelves can be changed in height by a removable (^ 0 ^) /
Same specifications Ceramic surface ball, Hose internal organs type of lift-up faucet, Base cabinet stuck to the usability, Storage shelves can be changed in height by a removable (^ 0 ^) /


Entrance. Same specifications
Same specifications


Kitchen. Same specifications Underfloor Storage
Same specifications Underfloor Storage

Same specifications photos (Other introspection)

Same specifications photos (Other introspection). Same specifications 1st floor Japanese-style room
Same specifications 1st floor Japanese-style room

Same specifications photos (living)

Same specifications photos (living). Same specifications Construction Case photo
Same specifications Construction Case photo
