New Homes » Tohoku » Miyagi Prefecture » Sendai Taihaku Ku

Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Taihaku Ku
Miyagi traffic "Kagitori-cho, Higashi Sendai west high school entrance" walk 7 minutes
It became after two buildings! ◆ Newly built single-family houses series "Rashiku Home Kagitori 4-chome" ◆ All-electric! Vibration control device "SS damper" it adopted! Earthquake compensation with house! With ground guarantee! Flat 35S fit housing!
◆ To house the "ish". ◆ Newly built single-family series "Rashiku home" series of Aju ◆ Full support in the house and advanced performance features to Aju ◇◇ earthquake guarantee! ◇◇ ◎ all-electric homes ◎ with just in case ... "with ground guarantee" ◎ support the peace of mind ... "earthquake-compensated housing" ◎ the shaking of the building significantly suppressed ... "vibration control device" SS damper "adopted" ◎ flat 35S fit housing For more information please feel free to contact us
Seller comments
Building B
Features pickup
Corresponding to the flat-35S / Pre-ground survey / Vibration Control ・ Seismic isolation ・ Earthquake resistant / Year Available / Parking two Allowed / Land 50 square meters or more / Bathroom Dryer / Japanese-style room / garden / Washbasin with shower / Toilet 2 places / 2-story / Otobasu / Warm water washing toilet seat / The window in the bathroom / High-function toilet / Walk-in closet / All-electric / roof balcony
Event information
Local tours (Please be sure to ask in advance) schedule / Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays time / 10:00 ~ 17:00 is in local tours held! Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10:00 to 17:00. Do not take a look at the actual beautiful finish? ! together, To the person who worries about the home purchase, "House buying during the consultation" is also being held from time to time. Please feel free to contact. We look forward to!
Property name
◆ Rashiku Home Kagitori 4-chome ( "Rashiku home" series of Aju)
32,950,000 yen ・ 33,150,000 yen
Floor plan
Units sold
2 units
Total units
4 units
Land area
201.96 sq m ・ 208.9 sq m (61.09 tsubo ・ 63.19 tsubo) (Registration)
Building area
107.64 sq m ・ 108.61 sq m (32.56 tsubo ・ 32.85 square meters)
Driveway burden-road
Width 4.75m (Sendai driveway), Width 5.0m (development road), Municipal road burden: area 286 sq m share equity of 8 minutes 1
Completion date
In late August 2013
Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Taihaku Ku Kagitori 4
Miyagi traffic "Kagitori-cho, Higashi Sendai west high school entrance" walk 7 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
Person in charge of business planning department to "all of the residence from Aju" to the slogan we have produced in total housing needs as a community-based comprehensive real estate industry. Please leave Aju If residence of thing.
TEL: 0800-603-3613 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Sale schedule
Rashiku Home Kagitori (Kagitori) 4-chome It became after two buildings! building Finished already! ! ◆ Exterior Completion date: 2013 in late November (planned) ◆ Residents Availability: With regard upon request in detail, Please feel free to contact us! ! !
Building coverage, floor area ratio
Kenpei rate: 50%, Volume ratio: 80%
Time residents
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story (framing method)
Co., Ltd. Hasegawa builders
Use district
One low-rise
Land category
Residential land
Overview and notices
Contact: Sales Planning Department, Building confirmation number: No. H24 confirmation architecture Sendai city No. 2474 (2013 March 26 date) Other
Company profile
<Seller> Miyagi Governor (2) No. 005180 (Ltd.) Aju Yubinbango980-0014 Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Aoba-ku Honcho 2-3-10 Sendai Honcho Building 9 floor

Local guide map

Local guide map. Wakabayashi-ku Kagitori 4-chome
Wakabayashi-ku Kagitori 4-chome

(A building) Rendering
(A building) Rendering

(B Building) Rendering
(B Building) Rendering

Floor plan

Floor plan. (A Building), Price 33,150,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 208.9 sq m , Building area 108.61 sq m
(A Building), Price 33,150,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 208.9 sq m , Building area 108.61 sq m

Floor plan. (B Building), Price 32,950,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 201.96 sq m , Building area 107.64 sq m
(B Building), Price 32,950,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 201.96 sq m , Building area 107.64 sq m

The entire compartment Figure

The entire compartment Figure. Compartment Figure. All four buildings.
Compartment Figure. All four buildings.

Home center

Home center. K's Denki 1100m to Sendai Taebaek shop
K's Denki 1100m to Sendai Taebaek shop


Supermarket. 600m until ion Supercenter Kagitori shop
600m until ion Supercenter Kagitori shop


Other. This property is, The Company is the seller! From the house is all of Aju dwelling Aju.
This property is, The Company is the seller! From the house is all of Aju dwelling Aju.


park. 1000m to Amanuma park
1000m to Amanuma park

Post office

post office. 500m to Sendai Kagitori post office
500m to Sendai Kagitori post office

Kindergarten ・ Nursery

kindergarten ・ Nursery. 500m to light salt kindergarten
500m to light salt kindergarten

Primary school

Primary school. 1200m up to elementary school in Sendai Municipal Ueno Mt.
1200m up to elementary school in Sendai Municipal Ueno Mt.

Junior high school

Junior high school. 1800m to Sendai Municipal Nishitaga junior high school
1800m to Sendai Municipal Nishitaga junior high school
