New Homes » Tohoku » Miyagi Prefecture » Sendai Taihaku Ku

Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Taihaku Ku
Subway Namboku "Nagamachiminami" bus 11 minutes Yagiyama elementary school before walk 3 minutes
Eco Jaws ・ All rooms resin composite sash! JHS ground guaranteed system! Your Relocation ・ Your sale ・ Various loans, etc. also please feel free to contact us!
31,800,000 yen
Floor plan
Units sold
1 units
Total units
1 units
Land area
165.09 sq m (registration)
Building area
105.98 sq m (measured)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, West 6.2m width
Completion date
January 2014
Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Taihaku Ku Matsugaoka
Subway Namboku "Nagamachiminami" bus 11 minutes Yagiyama elementary school before walk 3 minutes
Person in charge
Rep Kanno Hiromi Age: questions about the 20's real estate ・ Please feel free to contact us questions!
TEL: 0800-603-2908 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Building coverage, floor area ratio
Fifty percent ・ 80%
Time residents
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story
Use district
One low-rise
Other limitations
1 Building
Overview and notices
Contact: Kanno Hiromi, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, City gas, Building confirmation number: No. H25 confirmation architecture Miyagi Kenju No. 01348, Parking: car space
Company profile
<Mediation> Miyagi Governor (3) No. 004831 (Corporation) All Japan Real Estate Association Northeast Real Estate Fair Trade Council member (Ltd.) Eidai House Industrial Tomizawa shop Yubinbango982-0032 Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Taihaku Ku Tomizawa 1-5-1

Same specifications photos (appearance)
Same specifications photos (appearance)

Floor plan

Floor plan. 31,800,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 165.09 sq m , Building area 105.98 sq m
31,800,000 yen, 4LDK, Land area 165.09 sq m , Building area 105.98 sq m

Same specifications photo (kitchen)
Same specifications photo (kitchen)

Same specifications photos (living)
Same specifications photos (living)

Same specifications photo (bathroom)
Same specifications photo (bathroom)

Same specifications photos (Other introspection)
Same specifications photos (Other introspection)

Same specifications photos (Other introspection)
Same specifications photos (Other introspection)

Same specifications photos (Other introspection)
Same specifications photos (Other introspection)

Same specifications photos (Other introspection)
Same specifications photos (Other introspection)
