New Homes » Chugoku » Okayama Prefecture » Kita-ku

Okayama, Okayama Prefecture, Kita-ku,
JR Uno Line "Omoto" walk 20 minutes
Close to the city center 4LDK It should be noted and a walk-in closet Available. It should be noted that there and also Japanese-style room.
● Parking 3 units can be ● Zenshitsuminami direction, Storage rooms ● Customers can stay the room (Japanese-style) conditioned 4LDK ● With WIC in the bedroom ● futuristic, Suitable for solar power installation, South-facing single roof! ● Long balcony on the south side (futon of your family is Jose a lot in a sunny day) ● 1st floor Second floor of the toilet TOTO Washlet toilet
Features pickup
Parking three or more possible / It is close to the city / Facing south / Bathroom Dryer / Yang per good / All room storage / Flat to the station / A quiet residential area / LDK15 tatami mats or more / Around traffic fewer / Japanese-style room / garden / Washbasin with shower / Barrier-free / Toilet 2 places / Bathroom 1 tsubo or more / 2-story / South balcony / Double-glazing / Warm water washing toilet seat / Nantei / The window in the bathroom / TV monitor interphone / Ventilation good / IH cooking heater / Dish washing dryer / All-electric / All rooms are two-sided lighting / Flat terrain
32,800,000 yen
Floor plan
4LDK + S (storeroom)
Units sold
1 units
Total units
2 units
Land area
120.17 sq m (36.35 tsubo) (Registration)
Building area
97.3 sq m (29.43 tsubo) (Registration)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, East 4m width (contact the road width 8m)
Completion date
April 2014
Okayama Prefecture, Okayama city north district now 5-3-110
JR Uno Line "Omoto" walk 20 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
San create (Yes) TEL: 086-948-9177 Please inquire as "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
Building coverage, floor area ratio
60% ・ 200%
Land of the right form
Structure and method of construction
Wooden 2-story (framing method)
(With) San Create
Use district
Two mid-high
Overview and notices
Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, All-electric, Building confirmation number: H25 Okase 確建 No. 000902, Parking: car space
Company profile
<Employer ・ Seller> Okayama Governor (1) San create (with) No. 005213 Yubinbango704-8165 Okayama, Okayama Prefecture, Higashi-ku, Friction 528-10

Floor plan

Floor plan. 32,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 120.17 sq m , Building area 97.3 sq m
32,800,000 yen, 4LDK + S (storeroom), Land area 120.17 sq m , Building area 97.3 sq m

Rendering (appearance)

Rendering (appearance). Completion Perth from the east
Completion Perth from the east

Rendering (appearance). Completion Perth from the south
Completion Perth from the south
