Land/Building » Kanto » Chiba Prefecture » Midori-ku
| | Chiba, Chiba Prefecture Midori-ku 千葉県千葉市緑区 |
| Keisei Chihara line "Namami field" walk 25 minutes 京成千原線「おゆみ野」歩25分 |
| A peaceful new life in a quiet residential area. . . 閑静な住宅街で穏やかな新生活を。。。 |
| Land 50 square meters or more, Or more before road 6m, Shaping land, It is close to the city, A quiet residential area, Readjustment land within, Vacant lot passes, Around traffic fewer, City gas, Maintained sidewalk 土地50坪以上、前道6m以上、整形地、市街地が近い、閑静な住宅地、区画整理地内、更地渡し、周辺交通量少なめ、都市ガス、整備された歩道 |
Features pickup 特徴ピックアップ | | Land 50 square meters or more / Vacant lot passes / It is close to the city / A quiet residential area / Around traffic fewer / Or more before road 6m / Shaping land / City gas / Maintained sidewalk / Readjustment land within 土地50坪以上 /更地渡し /市街地が近い /閑静な住宅地 /周辺交通量少なめ /前道6m以上 /整形地 /都市ガス /整備された歩道 /区画整理地内 | Event information イベント情報 | | Local sales meetings (Please be sure to ask in advance) schedule / Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays time / 10:00 ~ 17:00 現地販売会(事前に必ずお問い合わせください)日程/毎週土日祝時間/10:00 ~ 17:00 | Price 価格 | | 16,900,000 yen 1690万円 | Building coverage, floor area ratio 建ぺい率・容積率 | | Fifty percent ・ Hundred percent 50%・100% | Sales compartment 販売区画数 | | 1 compartment 1区画 | Land area 土地面積 | | 188.49 sq m (57.01 tsubo) (Registration) 188.49m2(57.01坪)(登記) | Driveway burden-road 私道負担・道路 | | Nothing, Northwest 6m width (contact the road width 11.1m) 無、北西6m幅(接道幅11.1m) | Land situation 土地状況 | | Vacant lot 更地 | Address 住所 | | Chiba City, green-ku Namami field center 9 千葉県千葉市緑区おゆみ野中央9 | Traffic 交通 | | Keisei Chihara line "Namami field" walk 25 minutes 京成千原線「おゆみ野」歩25分
| Related links 関連リンク | | [Related Sites of this company] 【この会社の関連サイト】 | Person in charge 担当者より | | Person in charge of forest Daisuke Age: 30 Daigyokai Experience: 4 years new homes Existing home Relocation Please feel free to contact us with any consultation housing loans [043-262-7767] Connection we will cherish with all our customers allowed to correspond with full force in charge of the people Woods Daisuke 担当者森 大輔年齢:30代業界経験:4年新築住宅 中古住宅 住み替え 住宅ローン等どんなご相談でもお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい【043-262-7767】人とのつながりを大事に全力でお客様に尽くしてご対応させて頂きます担当: 森 大輔 | Contact お問い合せ先 | | TEL: 0800-805-6628 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS Caller ID is not notified Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)" If it does not lead, If the real estate company TEL:0800-805-6628【通話料無料】携帯電話・PHSからもご利用いただけます 発信者番号は通知されません 「SUUMO(スーモ)を見た」と問い合わせください つながらない方、不動産会社の方は
| Land of the right form 土地の権利形態 | | Ownership 所有権 | Building condition 建築条件 | | With 付 | Time delivery 引き渡し時期 | | Consultation 相談 | Land category 地目 | | Residential land 宅地 | Use district 用途地域 | | One low-rise 1種低層 | Overview and notices その他概要・特記事項 | | Contact: Forest Daisuke, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, City gas 担当者:森 大輔、設備:公営水道、本下水、都市ガス | Company profile 会社概要 | | <Seller> Governor of Chiba Prefecture (7) No. 010645 (the Company), Chiba Prefecture Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Association (Corporation) metropolitan area real estate Fair Trade Council member foundation Ju販 Ltd. Suehiro head office Yubinbango260-0843 Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, Chuo-ku, Suehiro 3-3-9 <売主>千葉県知事(7)第010645号(社)千葉県宅地建物取引業協会会員 (公社)首都圏不動産公正取引協議会加盟創建住販(株)末広本店〒260-0843 千葉県千葉市中央区末広3-3-9 |
Model house photoモデルハウス写真  Model house
The entire compartment Figure全体区画図  Compartment figure
Local land photo現地土地写真  Local (12 May 2013) Shooting
Local photos, including front road前面道路含む現地写真  Local (12 May 2013) Shooting
Compartment figure区画図  Land price 16,900,000 yen, Land area 188.49 sq m
Building plan example (floor plan)建物プラン例(間取り図)  Reference Plan
Station駅  Keisei Chihara Line Ease commuting through the road of lush four seasons up to 2000m Station to Namami field!
京成千原線 おゆみ野まで2000m 駅まで緑豊かな四季の道を通って安心通勤!
Junior high school中学校  Namami Nominami educational environment of a beautiful school of just 700m opened up to junior high school!
おゆみ野南中学校まで700m 開校したばかりの綺麗な学校での教育環境!
Primary school小学校  Safe school that can commute to walk 1200m promenade to Kanazawa elementary school!
金沢小学校まで1200m 遊歩道を歩いて通学出来る安心通学!
Shopping centreショッピングセンター  Ion Town Go to shopping walking 900m to Namami field, Popularity of large shipping ion Town!
イオンタウン おゆみ野まで900m 歩いて買物に行ける、人気の大型シッピングイオンタウン!
 K's electricity 200m to Namami field
ケーズ電気 おゆみ野まで200m