Land/Building » Shikoku » Ehime Prefecture » Matsuyama
| | Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture 愛媛県松山市 |
| Iyo railway Takahamasen "Mizuno" walk 3 minutes 伊予鉄道高浜線「三津」歩3分 |
| At a distance of about a 3-minute walk from the property there is a Iyotetsu Mizuno Station East Exit. Because it is a single road, This is useful for daily commuting. In addition to the Seven Stars Mizuno shop visible from the local is about 2-minute walk in a straight line 本物件から徒歩約3分の距離に伊予鉄三津駅東口があります。一本道ですので、毎日の通勤通学に便利です。さらに現地から見えるセブンスター三津店までは一直線で徒歩約2分です |
| Super close, Flat terrain スーパーが近い、平坦地 |
Features pickup 特徴ピックアップ | | Super close / Flat terrain スーパーが近い /平坦地 | Price 価格 | | 9.7 million yen 970万円 | Building coverage, floor area ratio 建ぺい率・容積率 | | 60% ・ 200% 60%・200% | Sales compartment 販売区画数 | | 1 compartment 1区画 | Land area 土地面積 | | 121.04 sq m (registration) 121.04m2(登記) | Driveway burden-road 私道負担・道路 | | Nothing, North 2.6m width (contact the road width 16m) 無、北2.6m幅(接道幅16m) | Land situation 土地状況 | | Furuya There 古家有り | Address 住所 | | Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture Misugi-cho 愛媛県松山市三杉町 | Traffic 交通 | | Iyo railway Takahamasen "Mizuno" walk 3 minutes Iyo railway Takahamasen "Shanxi" walk 21 minutes 伊予鉄道高浜線「三津」歩3分 伊予鉄道高浜線「山西」歩21分
| Related links 関連リンク | | [Related Sites of this company] 【この会社の関連サイト】 | Person in charge 担当者より | | Person in charge of real-estate and building Masato Fujimoto Age: 30 Daigyokai Experience: 13 years of city real estate buying and selling around the Matsuyama (Mansion ・ land ・ Mediation of the family) ・ We do purchase. Early, If you want to sell in a better condition, By all means, please contact us if you want to know recommend listing of before leaving the market. 担当者宅建藤本正人年齢:30代業界経験:13年松山市内を中心に不動産売買(マンション・土地・戸建て)の仲介・買取を行っております。早く、より良い条件で売却したい方、市場に出る前のおすすめ物件情報が知りたい方は是非ご連絡下さい。 | Contact お問い合せ先 | | TEL: 0800-603-7379 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS Caller ID is not notified Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)" If it does not lead, If the real estate company TEL:0800-603-7379【通話料無料】携帯電話・PHSからもご利用いただけます 発信者番号は通知されません 「SUUMO(スーモ)を見た」と問い合わせください つながらない方、不動産会社の方は
| Land of the right form 土地の権利形態 | | Ownership 所有権 | Time delivery 引き渡し時期 | | Consultation 相談 | Land category 地目 | | Residential land 宅地 | Use district 用途地域 | | Semi-industrial 準工業 | Overview and notices その他概要・特記事項 | | Contact: Masato Fujimoto, Facilities: Public Water Supply, Individual septic tank 担当者:藤本正人、設備:公営水道、個別浄化槽 | Company profile 会社概要 | | <Mediation> Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2) the first 007,403 No. Anabuki real estate distribution Co., Ltd. Matsuyama shop Yubinbango790-0941 Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture Izumi Minami 1-7-33 <仲介>国土交通大臣(2)第007403号穴吹不動産流通(株)松山店〒790-0941 愛媛県松山市和泉南1-7-33 |
Local land photo現地土地写真  Go in the east straight line in the north road to Seven Stars Mizuno shop
Otherその他  It is about a 2-minute walk in a straight line until Sebusuta Mizuno shop
 The distance of the walk about 3 minutes until the Mizuno Station East Exit.
Compartment figure区画図  Land price 9.7 million yen, Land area 121.04 sq m road recession, you do not need
土地価格970万円、土地面積121.04m2 道路後退は必要ありません
Local photos, including front road前面道路含む現地写真  Misugi green space will be the playground of one minute and a child walk
Supermarketスーパー  290m to Seven Stars Mizuno shop
セブンスター 三津店まで290m
Otherその他  Is Daiso buy feel free to fun in one coin
Local photos, including front road前面道路含む現地写真  It has taken the subject property and the north road from the west direction
Otherその他  Convenient and is a promise to drag Sasa Oka comfortable shopping
 Is a family doctor Ehimeshin'yokinko of love town
 Stars kindergarten of sea to nurture the foundation of autonomy
 There is a co-op Mizuno shop if stretch a little leg