Land/Building » Koshinetsu » Nagano Prefecture » Matsumoto
| | Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture 長野県松本市 |
| JR Shinonoi Line "Minami" walk 22 minutes JR篠ノ井線「南松本」歩22分 |
| Supermarket, pharmacy, Nursery, primary school, convenience store, Various clinic, This addition to the convenience facilities nearby. A quiet residential area. Construction conditions: Misawa Homes Koshin Co., Ltd.. スーパー、薬局、保育園、小学校、コンビニ、各種医院、ほか利便施設近くです。閑静な住宅地。建築条件:ミサワホーム甲信株式会社。 |
| Land sale and purchase of the Property, Within three months after the land sale and purchase agreement, Construction contract of Misawa Homes Koshin Co., Ltd. will be the stop condition to be satisfied. When the construction contract is not established within this period, Land sales contract becomes a blank, Received the deposit shall be refunded by the non-interest-bearing. 本物件の土地売買は、土地売買契約締結後3ヶ月以内に、ミサワホーム甲信株式会社の建築請負契約が成立することを停止条件とします。この期間内に建築請負契約が成立しないときは、土地売買契約は白紙となり、受領した手付金は無利息にて返還するものとします。 |
Features pickup 特徴ピックアップ | | Land 50 square meters or more / Vacant lot passes / Super close / It is close to the city / Yang per good / Flat to the station / Siemens south road / A quiet residential area / Flat terrain / Development subdivision in 土地50坪以上 /更地渡し /スーパーが近い /市街地が近い /陽当り良好 /駅まで平坦 /南側道路面す /閑静な住宅地 /平坦地 /開発分譲地内 | Price 価格 | | It will be 14,454,000 yen tsubo 235,000 yen. 1445万4000円坪単価235,000円となります。 | Building coverage, floor area ratio 建ぺい率・容積率 | | Kenpei rate: 60%, Volume ratio: 200% 建ペい率:60%、容積率:200% | Sales compartment 販売区画数 | | 2 compartment 2区画 | Total number of compartments 総区画数 | | 2 compartment 2区画 | Land area 土地面積 | | 203.34 sq m (61.51 tsubo) (measured) 203.34m2(61.51坪)(実測) | Driveway burden-road 私道負担・道路 | | Development road (after development inspection completed, Donation scheduled for Matsumoto) 開発道路(開発検査完了後、松本市に寄付予定) | Land situation 土地状況 | | Vacant lot 更地 | Construction completion time 造成完了時期 | | 2013 December 16, 平成25年12月16日 | Address 住所 | | Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture Miyata 長野県松本市宮田 | Traffic 交通 | | JR Shinonoi Line "Minami" walk 22 minutes JR篠ノ井線「南松本」歩22分
| Related links 関連リンク | | [Related Sites of this company] 【この会社の関連サイト】 | Person in charge 担当者より | | Person in charge of real-estate and building FP Takeda Tomohiro Age: 30 Daigyokai experience: I come from 11 years downtown in Matsumoto and 16 years. For the purpose of rural life, Also, In such relationship of your work, We will advice with my own experience for those who are moving here from outside the prefecture. 担当者宅建FP竹田 智宏年齢:30代業界経験:11年都心から松本に来てはや16年目。田舎暮らしを目的に、また、お仕事の関係などで、県外からこちらに転居される方には私自身の経験を持ってアドバイスいたします。 | Contact お問い合せ先 | | TEL: 0800-808-9606 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS Caller ID is not notified Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)" If it does not lead, If the real estate company TEL:0800-808-9606【通話料無料】携帯電話・PHSからもご利用いただけます 発信者番号は通知されません 「SUUMO(スーモ)を見た」と問い合わせください つながらない方、不動産会社の方は
| Sale schedule 販売スケジュール | | Development activity permit 2013 August 6 date Matsumoto command 25 Ken'yubi No. 2-11. Construction completion of construction, And development activities inspected is scheduled for mid-November from 25 September 30 March. 開発行為許可 平成25年8月6日付 松本市指令25建指第2-11号。造成工事完了、および開発行為検査済は平成25年9月末から11月中旬の予定です。 | Expenses 諸費用 | | Other expenses: separately town fee admission fee 30000 yen (at the time of admission only), You will need 700 yen per month. , Waterworks contributions: 30000 yen, Sewer contribution: 53,614 yen その他諸費用:別途町内会費入会金30000円(入会時のみ)、月額700円が必要となります。、上水道負担金:30000円、下水道負担金:53614円 | Land of the right form 土地の権利形態 | | Ownership 所有権 | Building condition 建築条件 | | With 付 | Time delivery 引き渡し時期 | | Consultation 相談 | Land category 地目 | | Residential land 宅地 | Use district 用途地域 | | Two mid-high 2種中高 | Other limitations その他制限事項 | | Regulations have by the Landscape Act 景観法による規制有 | Overview and notices その他概要・特記事項 | | Contact: Takeda Tomohiro, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, Individual propane gas, Chubu Electric Power Co., Development permit number: 2-11 担当者:竹田 智宏、設備:公営水道、本下水、個別プロパンガス、中部電力、開発許可番号:2-11 | Company profile 会社概要 | | <Seller> Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (1) No. 008196 Misawa Homes Koshin Co., Ltd. Yubinbango390-0833 Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture Futaba 22-1 <売主>国土交通大臣(1)第008196号ミサワホーム甲信(株)〒390-0833 長野県松本市双葉22-1 |
Local land photo現地土地写真  Local (12 May 2013) Shooting. Goodness of this per yang, even in the morning of the winter!
Otherその他  Compartment reference diagram
Local land photo現地土地写真  It has taken from the south of the site.
 It has taken from the southeast of the site.
Local photos, including front road前面道路含む現地写真  New road will be on the road Matsumoto. Width 6m.
Supermarketスーパー  570m to Apple land deli Shea Ishishiba shop
Sale already cityscape photo分譲済街並み写真  Appearance of this subdivision entrance from Matsumoto road.
Other localその他現地  Matsumoto road which is in contact with the subdivision east. It has taken the south from the north.
Local land photo現地土地写真  Many also new homes around, Is also safe those who are newly resident.
Local photos, including front road前面道路含む現地写真  Road is asphalt pavement, There is also a gutter.
Supermarketスーパー  Ito-Yokado to Minami shop 1090m
Other localその他現地  Subdivision east of Matsumoto road. Shoot the north from the south.
Local land photo現地土地写真  Shooting from the northeast of the site. Good per yang.
Convenience storeコンビニ  289m to FamilyMart Takamiya shop Matsumoto
Local land photo現地土地写真  Taken from the site northwest. There is no tall buildings.
Drug storeドラッグストア  Uerushia 560m until Matsumoto Takamiyanishi shop
Junior high school中学校  946m until the Matsumoto City Nobuaki junior high school
Primary school小学校  Matsumoto Municipal enlightened to elementary school 264m
Kindergarten ・ Nursery幼稚園・保育園  349m until Matsumoto Miyata nursery