Land/Building » Kansai » Nara Prefecture » Kitakatsuragi Koryo-cho
| | Nara Prefecture Kitakatsuragi Koryo-cho 奈良県北葛城郡広陵町 |
| Kintetsu Osaka line "Goido" 10 minutes Umamikita 1-chome, walk 1 minute bus 近鉄大阪線「五位堂」バス10分馬見北1丁目歩1分 |
| Why do not you live in the longing of Mami Keoka New Town? , Mamikeoka is about a 9-minute walk from junior high school. Do not send an elegant living in child-rearing environment of peace of mind? あこがれの真美ヶ丘ニュータウンに住んでみませんか?落ち着いた町並みで、真美ヶ丘中学校まで徒歩約9分です。安心の子育て環境で優雅な暮らしを送りませんか? |
| Leave it to be residential construction Gao Rong housing Co., Ltd.! Mom music of house ☆ Cheer Mothers! Easy nor child-rearing chores. cuisine, Washing, Shopping, Parenting while doing it is really very. If a lifetime to build a "home" in the once, If efficiently arranged the most comfortable working housework flow line and storage space mom, surely, Mom of the burden should be reduced. It is easy to cook Mom, If there is a laundry easy floor plan & storage, surely, Mom will be willing to spend a good time at home. Seismic 3 strong in grade equivalent of the earthquake and moisture house. Cool in summer and warm in winter spraying insulation material. Resin angle pair glass to keep the condensation. Ordinance of the Ministry of quasi-fireproof structure fire insurance premium is about half the price. Thermal insulation properties ・ Fire protection with excellent Asahi Kasei of the power board, etc. 住宅建築も高栄ハウジング有限会社におまかせ!ママ楽の家☆子育てママを応援!家事も子育ても楽々。料理、洗濯、お買い物、それをこなしながらの子育ては本当に大変です。一生に一度の「我が家」を建てるなら、ママが一番働きやすい家事動線や収納スペースを効率よく配置すれば、きっと、ママの負担は減るはずです。ママが料理しやすい、洗濯しやすい間取り&収納があれば、きっと、ママは楽しい時間を家で過ごしてくれるはずです。耐震3等級相当の地震と湿気に強い家。夏は涼しく冬は暖かい吹付け断熱材。結露を抑える樹脂アングルペアガラス。火災保険料が約半額になる省令準耐火構造。断熱性・防火性に優れた旭化成のパワーボードなど |
Features pickup 特徴ピックアップ | | Yang per good / A quiet residential area / Around traffic fewer / Or more before road 6m / Starting station / Shaping land / Good view / Located on a hill 陽当り良好 /閑静な住宅地 /周辺交通量少なめ /前道6m以上 /始発駅 /整形地 /眺望良好 /高台に立地 | Event information イベント情報 | | Local guide Board (Please be sure to ask in advance) schedule / In fact during the public, Why do not you check the subdivision? , You can also on the same day of check building. Without wasting time, Smarter Would you like to My Home plan? 現地案内会(事前に必ずお問い合わせください)日程/公開中実際に、分譲地をチェックしてみませんか?香芝市穴虫(近鉄大阪線「二上」駅から徒歩7分)にモデルハウスがございますので、建物のチェックも同日にできます。時間を無駄にせず、賢くマイホーム計画をしてみませんか? | Price 価格 | | 18 million yen 1800万円 | Building coverage, floor area ratio 建ぺい率・容積率 | | Fifty percent ・ 150% 50%・150% | Sales compartment 販売区画数 | | 1 compartment 1区画 | Total number of compartments 総区画数 | | 10 compartment 10区画 | Land area 土地面積 | | 200.07 sq m (60.52 square meters) 200.07m2(60.52坪) | Driveway burden-road 私道負担・道路 | | Nothing, East 6m width 無、東6m幅 | Land situation 土地状況 | | Vacant lot 更地 | Address 住所 | | Nara Prefecture Kitakatsuragi Koryo-cho Umamikita 1 奈良県北葛城郡広陵町馬見北1 | Traffic 交通 | | Kintetsu Osaka line "Goido" 10 minutes Umamikita 1-chome, walk 1 minute bus 近鉄大阪線「五位堂」バス10分馬見北1丁目歩1分
| Related links 関連リンク | | [Related Sites of this company] 【この会社の関連サイト】 | Person in charge 担当者より | | [Regarding this property.] Why do not you live in the longing of Mami Keoka New Town? 【この物件について】あこがれの真美ヶ丘ニュータウンに住んでみませんか? | Contact お問い合せ先 | | Gao Rong housing (Yes) TEL: 0800-603-1918 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS Caller ID is not notified Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)" If it does not lead, If the real estate company 高栄ハウジング(有)TEL:0800-603-1918【通話料無料】携帯電話・PHSからもご利用いただけます 発信者番号は通知されません 「SUUMO(スーモ)を見た」と問い合わせください つながらない方、不動産会社の方は
| Land of the right form 土地の権利形態 | | Ownership 所有権 | Building condition 建築条件 | | With 付 | Time delivery 引き渡し時期 | | Consultation 相談 | Land category 地目 | | Residential land 宅地 | Use district 用途地域 | | One middle and high 1種中高 | Overview and notices その他概要・特記事項 | | Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, City gas 設備:公営水道、本下水、都市ガス | Company profile 会社概要 | | <Seller> Nara Governor (8) No. 002103 No. Gao Rong housing (with) Yubinbango634-0845 Nara Prefecture Kashihara Nakazoshi cho 61-13 <売主>奈良県知事(8)第002103号高栄ハウジング(有)〒634-0845 奈良県橿原市中曽司町61-13 |
Local land photo現地土地写真  The east side is the subdivision of the cleanest spread to open.
The entire compartment Figure全体区画図  It is the entire section view. It has finally become the last 1 House.
Compartment view + building plan example区画図+建物プラン例  Building plan example, Land price 18 million yen, Land area 200.07 sq m , Building price 15,750,000 yen, Building area 99.17 sq m I No. land plan example ● land area / 200.07 sq m (60.52 square meters) ● Total floor area / 101.85 sq m (30.80 square meters) ● 1 floor area / 56.72 sq m ● 2 floor area / 45.13 sq m
建物プラン例、土地価格1800万円、土地面積200.07m2、建物価格1575万円、建物面積99.17m2 I号地プラン例 ●土地面積/200.07m2(60.52坪) ●延床面積/101.85m2(30.80坪) ●1階床面積/56.72m2 ●2階床面積/45.13m2
Model house photoモデルハウス写真  Model house of the floor plan to be fun every day in Kashihara Masuga north of about 15 minutes by car is now complete from Mami months hill! (Kashihara Masuga North model house)
 Pokkapoka of living popularity of floor heating has entered. It is adjacent to the tatami corner of the small rise, It is a space of adult cool calm atmosphere. (Kashihara Masuga North model house)
Otherその他  Since Ekorumami also close, It is very convenient for life.
Local photos, including front road前面道路含む現地写真  Frontal road East on public roads Road width about 6m
前面道路 東面公道 道幅約6m
Model house photoモデルハウス写真  7 Pledge of spacious loft. Place the large TV can also be enjoyed as a game and home theater space. (Kashihara Masuga North model house)
 IH cooking heater, Dishwasher is standard equipment. Oil dirt care Ease range hood. Gas is also available. (Kashihara Masuga North model house)
 Place a study corner called the free stage is next to the kitchen. Or look at the homework of children in between housework, Perfect to or a personal computer! (Kashihara Masuga North model house)
 The upper part of the living room looks stylish atmosphere MAX luxurious atrium. (Kashihara Masuga North model house)
Shopping centreショッピングセンター  Ecole ・ 1382m to Mami
Convenience storeコンビニ  298m until Lawson Koryo Umamikita chome shop
Junior high school中学校  Koryo Municipal Mamigaoka until junior high school 755m
Library図書館  Koryo-cho 481m to Public Library
Park公園  Until Taketo park 561m
Drug storeドラッグストア  762m to super drag tree of song Koryo-cho Mami months hill shop
You will receive this brochureこんなパンフレットが届きます  You will receive a listing of the concept and a detailed floor plan plan. Now Request!