Land/Building » Koshinetsu » Niigata Prefecture » Nishi-ku
| | Niigata city west district 新潟県新潟市西区 |
| JR Echigo Line "small hand" walk 17 minutes JR越後線「小針」歩17分 |
| It is a quiet residential area within walking distance from JR Echigo Line kobari station. Large shopping centers and General Hospital is also within walking distance. Life convenience is very high location. JR越後線小針駅から徒歩圏内の閑静な住宅地です。大型ショッピングセンターや総合病院も徒歩圏内。生活利便性がたいへん高い立地です。 |
Features pickup 特徴ピックアップ | | Vacant lot passes / Immediate delivery Allowed / Riverside / It is close to the city / Yang per good / A quiet residential area / Shaping land / No construction conditions / City gas / Flat terrain / Building plan example there 更地渡し /即引渡し可 /リバーサイド /市街地が近い /陽当り良好 /閑静な住宅地 /整形地 /建築条件なし /都市ガス /平坦地 /建物プラン例有り | Event information イベント情報 | | Local guide Board (Please be sure to ask in advance) schedule / Now open 現地案内会(事前に必ずお問い合わせください)日程/公開中 | Property name 物件名 | | Niigata city west district Coxim subdivision 新潟市西区小新分譲地 | Price 価格 | | 9,894,000 yen 989万4000円 | Building coverage, floor area ratio 建ぺい率・容積率 | | Kenpei rate: 60%, Volume ratio: 200% 建ペい率:60%、容積率:200% | Sales compartment 販売区画数 | | 2 compartment 2区画 | Total number of compartments 総区画数 | | 3 compartment 3区画 | Land area 土地面積 | | 165.21 sq m (49.97 tsubo) (measured) 165.21m2(49.97坪)(実測) | Driveway burden-road 私道負担・道路 | | Non-road land, Passage portion 4m, Is the current state unpaved but there plans for next year paving. Please contact us for more details. 無道路地、通路部分4m、現況未舗装ですが来年度舗装の予定あり。詳細はお問い合わせください。 | Land situation 土地状況 | | Vacant lot 更地 | Address 住所 | | Niigata city west district Coxim 1509-6 新潟県新潟市西区小新1509-6 | Traffic 交通 | | JR Echigo Line "small hand" walk 17 minutes Niigata Kotsu Co., Ltd. Shinanomachi ・ Western office line "Coxim pumping station before" walk 2 minutes JR越後線「小針」歩17分 新潟交通 信濃町・西部営業所線「小新ポンプ場前」歩2分 | Related links 関連リンク | | [Related Sites of this company] 【この会社の関連サイト】 | Contact お問い合せ先 | | TEL: 0800-808-9771 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS Caller ID is not notified Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)" If it does not lead, If the real estate company TEL:0800-808-9771【通話料無料】携帯電話・PHSからもご利用いただけます 発信者番号は通知されません 「SUUMO(スーモ)を見た」と問い合わせください つながらない方、不動産会社の方は
| Land of the right form 土地の権利形態 | | Ownership 所有権 | Time delivery 引き渡し時期 | | Immediate delivery allowed 即引渡し可 | Land category 地目 | | Residential land 宅地 | Use district 用途地域 | | Urbanization control area 市街化調整区域 | Other limitations その他制限事項 | | Regulations have by the River Law, Building Standards Law Article 43 proviso permission required. Bulk permit (inclusive) conform to the consent criteria 河川法による規制有、建築基準法43条但書許可要。一括許可(包括)同意基準に適合 | Overview and notices その他概要・特記事項 | | Facilities: Public Water Supply, Individual septic tank, City gas, Building Permits reason: control area per building permit requirements 設備:公営水道、個別浄化槽、都市ガス、建築許可理由:調整区域につき建築許可要 | Company profile 会社概要 | | <Seller> Niigata Governor (2) Information Center Yubinbango950-2142 Niigata city west district of the 004,708 firms union dwelling Uchinotonakasai 1542-10 <売主>新潟県知事(2)第004708号企業組合住まいの情報館〒950-2142 新潟県新潟市西区内野戸中才1542-10 |
Local land photo現地土地写真  gas ・ Water is already drawn into each compartment!
 Subdivision panoramic view as seen from the compartment C
 Subdivision panoramic view as seen from the compartment A
 Subdivision panoramic view as seen from the compartment B
Local photos, including front road前面道路含む現地写真  4m passage and subdivision as seen from the main road
Hospital病院  A lot of Saiseikai second hospital medical institutions in the neighborhood, including the 1300m General Hospital to
済生会第二病院まで1300m 総合病院をはじめ近隣には医療機関がたくさん
The entire compartment Figure全体区画図  September 23 is the current sales situation. Each time more information, Please contact us.
 Overlooking the main road direction than 4m passage
Shopping centreショッピングセンター  Also close to 1000m large home centers to Apita
アピタまで1000m 大型ホームセンターも近接しています
Other Environmental Photoその他環境写真  Also enhance 2000m drugstores and convenience stores to Yamada Denki
ヤマダ電機まで2000m ドラッグストアやコンビニも充実