Land/Building » Kanto » Tokyo » Setagaya

Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Odakyu line "Seijogakuen before" walk 9 minutes
It is shaping land of corner lot facing the road width 6m × 4m.
"Seijogakuen before" station walk 9 minutes location of.
Features pickup
Land 50 square meters or more / Super close / Yang per good / Flat to the station / A quiet residential area / Around traffic fewer / Or more before road 6m / Shaping land / No construction conditions / Leafy residential area / City gas / Located on a hill / Flat terrain
180 million yen
Building coverage, floor area ratio
40% ・ 80%
Sales compartment
1 compartment
Land area
302.5 sq m (91.50 tsubo) (measured)
Driveway burden-road
Nothing, West 6.2m width (contact the road width 12m), North 3.2m width (contact the road width 23m)
Land situation
Furuya There
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Seijo 5
Odakyu line "Seijogakuen before" walk 9 minutes
Related links
[Related Sites of this company]
Person in charge
Person in charge of real-estate and building FP mature trees Kensuke Age: 30s residential design ・ Building Produce ・ Since it has been loaded with real estate brokerage and experience, Over all from the land purchase until the construction is finished, Please let me support.
TEL: 0800-603-7091 [Toll free] mobile phone ・ Also available from PHS
Caller ID is not notified
Please contact the "saw SUUMO (Sumo)"
If it does not lead, If the real estate company
Land of the right form
Time delivery
Land category
Residential land
Use district
One low-rise
Other limitations
Setback: upon 19.67 sq m
Overview and notices
Contact Person: mature trees Kensuke, Facilities: Public Water Supply, This sewage, City gas
Company profile
<Mediation> Governor of Tokyo (2) No. 086581 (Ltd.) ad cast Yubinbango150-0022 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Ebisuminami 1-25-1

Local photos, including front road

Local photos, including front road. Local (10 May 2013) shooting the west side of the front road
Local (10 May 2013) shooting the west side of the front road

Compartment figure

Compartment figure. Land price 180 million yen, Land area 302.5 sq m
Land price 180 million yen, Land area 302.5 sq m

Local land photo

Local land photo. Local (10 May 2013) Shooting
Local (10 May 2013) Shooting

Local land photo. Local (10 May 2013) Shooting
Local (10 May 2013) Shooting

Local photos, including front road

Local photos, including front road. Local (10 May 2013) Shooting Front road on the north side
Local (10 May 2013) Shooting Front road on the north side


station. Odakyu line "Seijogakuen before" 700m to the station
Odakyu line "Seijogakuen before" 700m to the station

Shopping centre

Shopping centre. Station building 700m to "Corti Seijo"
Station building 700m to "Corti Seijo"

Primary school

Primary school. Ward Akimasa until elementary school 1200m
Ward Akimasa until elementary school 1200m

Streets around

Streets around. 500m until the row of cherry blossom trees of Seijo
500m until the row of cherry blossom trees of Seijo


Supermarket. Seijo 700m to Ishii
Seijo 700m to Ishii
